Pharmaceutical Freeze Dryer

Pharmaceutical Freeze Dryer

    1. Certificate of Nanotechnology

    2. 2019/03/21
    3. 2022/03/22
    1. NanoScale Certification

    2. 2019/03/21
    3. 2022/03/22
Introduction Application Specification Advantage Of Using Nanotechnology Manual And Maintenance Safety And Package

Freeze drying pharmaceuticals uses a process called lyophilization to lower the temperature of the product to below freezing, and then a high-pressure vacuum is applied to extract the water in the form of vapour. The vapour collects on a condenser, turns back to ice and is removed. Finally, a gradual temperature rise extracts all remaining 'bound' moisture from the product. This process retains the physical structure and preserves the material for storage or transport.

With freeze drying, delicate, unstable or heat-sensitive drugs and biologicals can be dried at low temperatures without damaging their physical structure. Freeze-dried products can be reconstituted quickly and easily, which is particularly valuable in the case of emergency vaccines and antibodies, which need to be administered as quickly as possible.

  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Food industry
  • Producing and drying process of nanomaterials
  • Production of porous polymers with Ice Templating method
  • Drying of cryogels
  • Drying of carbon porous structures (carbon nanotubes/ graphene)
  • Drying catalysts include: titanium oxide, vanadium molybdenum oxy nitride, alumina nanocrystals

Details of technical specifications are presented in the following Table.


Freeze drying is one of the most important techniques for the cryochemical synthesis of inorganic materials, and particularly one of the most effective methods to prevent agglomeration in the synthesis of isolated nanoparticles.

  • For each model, a special manual including hardware and software instruction, and also device maintenance is delivered to the customers.
  • In the manual all the important safety issues are mentioned.
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