Battery Expander

Battery Expander Containing nanoparticles

    1. NanoScale Certification

    2. 2018/06/11
    3. 2019/06/10
Introduction Properties Advantage Of Using Nanotechnology

An automotive battery is a rechargeable battery that supplies electrical current to a motor vehicle. Along the years of optimization numerous researches on the battery performance, main technical challenges have been identified which are the continuity of supply, contact, and interaction of reactants with electrode materials and electrolyte. In principle, this requires an adequate supply of acid, active material of high surface area, good contact between the particles of the active material (particularly in positive plates that show a tendency to expand during charge-discharge service cycle), and the minimization of the insulating effects of PbSO4. Most importantly, the limitation of lead-acid battery is caused by the underlying reaction taking place between positive and negative electrodes that inhibits rapid electron transfer. Therefore, nanotechnology affords all above conditions for a better performance and is also offered to overcome the limitation of such batteries by producing electrode material with high active surface area and efficiency.

This product is known as a Lead- acid battery expander containing nanoparticles.

Nanoparticles because of their high surface area and higher electrode/electrolyte area allow higher charge/discharge rate and they create a short path length for rapid charge transport.

This product shows significantly improved qualitative parameters compare to conventional expanders.

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