Fanavaran Nano Meghyas Co
Company: Fanavaran Nano-Meghyas (NanoScale Technologists) Company Description Fanavrane Nano-Meghyas is a scientific base company and its goals are the development of nanofibers technology and its application. This company is trying to manufacture some products based on nanofibers in international levels inside and outside of the country and in this respect it can give several services such as Electrospinning System and products selling and cooperation with other companies for production, or business. In short, FNMs products and services are the design and production of electrospinning systems with various accessories including High Voltage power suppliers and Syringe Pumps in lab and industrial scales for medical Mask and powerplant and automotive air and oil filters based on nano fibers. Nanotechnology Products Programmable Electrospinning System, Electrospinner, SyringePump (SP1000), High Voltage Power Supplier up to 60kV, Polymeric and Ceramic Nanofiber, Industrial Nanofiber Production Line, High Effective Air Nanofilter, High Effective Nano-oil filter
Factory Central Office
  • Factory
  • Tehran
  • Tehran
  • Central Office
  • Tehran
  • Tehran
  • Postal Code : 3313144651
  • 021-56716221_56716236
  • 021-65612497
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